Just when you think things are on the up, wham life hits you with yet another problem.
Domestic life, no. Work yes. I just seem to be battling at the moment. I am probably one of lifes copers and work well under pressure. Maybe that is a result of having to multi task when caring for a child with CF and leading up to adulthood. But hey now i no longer have that worry or constant concern in the back of my mind my whole brain has or is slowly shutting down.
I normally am able to reason and analyse situations, at this time in my life i find my patience is wearing very thin and if it wasn't for some really good people around me i would go quietly mad. As Freddie Mercury once sang in a Queen song I'm only knitting on one needle now!!!
But enough of that!!! i found a lucky stone today, some may think, well reading the above not so lucky!!But ever hopeful i tucked it in my bag thinking of the times when i was younger and the hours my sisters and i spent looking for one.
And lo and behold i have been lucky today and all thanks to my fab sister.
I was devastated not to be able to have Mikes camera. The one item that was really giving him a purpose in the last few weeks of his life. Not that Mikey thought that, he was so hopeful of the transplant. He was so chuffed with it and enjoyed, when he was able to using it and posting his pics on facebook for all to see.
Linda has found me one and joy of joys what a bargain. We have been talking about him tonight and how if the same opportunity came his way he would have snatched my sisters hand off for it. In some ways i wish he had had the chance. God bless her, and I'm not a believer.
I have ended today on a positive note with something else to look forward to using the same equipment and hopefully obtaining similar results.
Been on line today and sourced a holiday that Tim thinks we should book, so I'm doing that. Found a breed of dog we both agree on!!
Able to sort Tom out and offer a solution to his Internet problem!!!
Computer has stopped playing up!!! Just been offered a new Apple mac lap top free!!!!!!! xxxxx a i want to do something nice to you gift!
Mikey it just seems that you are looking over me, i get so much comfort from that. Thank you. Love ya xxx Miss ya xxxxx
Its pouring of rain but who cares!!!! its been a good end to my day. However Tomorrow is another day.........
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