Thursday 1 January 2015

Ist Jan 2015

Phew managed it, although only just.

Quiet day today.

 Did get out a for a run this afternoon. Never run at that time of day before and I struggled. Not sure if it was because I ate or because I was wearing long pants! Could even have been the weather so windy!!
The first 3 miles was like running in treacle. Luckily I had good company, two of the male club members kept me company and kept me going. We did 2 loops first 4 miles and then another 2.3 this time out in the open spaces of the fen where the wind blew and blew!!
Just to think this time last year I was on my own unsure what was going on with Tim awaiting an outcome when his leg was going to be operated on.

Out for a walk tonight and Tims knee playing up, probably the cold weather! The xmas lights are swinging in the wind, Father Christmas had fallen over on the river bank, still alight! Everywhere is so wet and muddy! The letter box is rattling, the car port roof is lifting. I love being inside tucked up in bed hearing the noises the weather produces. No snow yet!! but by all accounts its on its way, but not this weekend please. My eldest sister is driving us and I always worry when she pulls on her red leather driving gloves, she also said she doesn't know how to get there and I will have to navigate! that's a bit of a worry in itself and she will not drive in the dark. So looking a bit ominous I fear.

Heard from my sisters and it looks like we are off to Centre Parcs again in March to celebrate Lins 60th! This weekend im away again best not say where in case they read this! so doubtful if I will Blog Sat.
I appear to be rambling! it will take some time to get back into the swing of writing again and to establish order into the text!

Headlight fixed on the car, I thought it was dim when I drove home Wednesday night, oops. Not sure why that little gem sprang to mind!

Must get the weight off again, this is a constant thing for me and yet the only person holding me back is me!! well I enjoy food! and apparently if you lose 2 pounds it gives you a 10 second faster kilometre, well surely incentive enough, we will see.

I think its time to dust off some of the numerous pieces of fitness equipment I have. I do look at it from time to time. So I will start on the exercise bike, I think!

Im trying to make these posts positive as this year will be a milestone for many reasons.
I think Misery left me last year as she couldn't get a look in due to Apathy taking over the whole year.
I do know that Mikey would hate us to still be as we are so I am going to make a real effort to change this year. We can only guess at the outcome, but im back on track to try and do something different each month.
 I left a message for Mikey last night, im so pleased his FB page is still open, it still gives me comfort just to pop over and have a word or two.

Think is the word of the night by the looks of it.

Well best close, work in the morning and tomorrow is another day................

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