Monday, 28 November 2011

Day 462/463/464/465/466

5 days!!! getting into bad habits, but what can i say.

Before i start to recall the last 5 days tonight has bought home to me how generous Mikey's friends have been allowing me into their lives. Not an easy thing to do when, you are living with CF and reading all my stuff and his other very special friend who he thought of as a sister. Very special people indeed.
What sprung to mind was how we as a family have been abandoned by the CF world. Once Mikey was no longer with us not only did we lose him it was if we had vanished from ever having lived with CF. We had 25 years of being involved with Mikey's illness suddenly it is as if he never was. Does that make sense. What I'm trying to say i think is that everything just stopped as though we never existed. Oh I'm making a mess of this but i know what i mean. No counselling for CF parents no support. Why is that i wonder.
Still that's off my chest.

Whats been happening in my world. Now do i bore myself with writing and recalling work or is that too traumatic. Yep I'm going to leave that. Don't want to disappear into a world of depression!! Is it so bad, no probably not but those mole hills just keep growing!!

Thursday went running and i was pitiful!! although better than the Tuesday. I have told Sue just to get on without me and go with some of the other runners. I am feeling very sorry for myself and need to to focus on the Marathon and how i am going to achieve that. If it means rest and be sensible for the next few weeks then i will. Its still very sore. Its been weeks. Still enough said, for now!!!

Friday was the big day for Tom. Van collected, keys handed over and off to Doncaster with his Dad, but he forgot his keys! and decided to risk going with the ones i had given Tim just in case they needed another set. Not 100% sure they were Toms but they were an odd set i had. I was in a panic until i heard from him to say they were in!!
A very late night home but managed to get a lot of his bits here.
Saturday they set off to build a fence and was still working up to darkness, the same on Sunday but on Sunday i was helping with the Hereward Relay. Stuck out in the middle of the Fens at Welney. My goodness what an eye opener. Some of the seasoned runners looked dreadful, what have i let myself in for! I have a 10 mile race this Sunday. Should i go or not? I'm worried about the ankle but I'm at Physio on Thursday so hopefully she will advise and i will listen.

Today Tom has moved out and its strange again having the house to ourselves, although he phoned me tonight to let me know how he was. Then Tim went back down tonight because Tom asked if we would bring his toothbrush because he had forgotten it. I think Tim will be a constant visitor!!

So her i sit! writing an epistle.
The neighbours have their Christmas lights up. Oh my word. I'm sure the national grid must be experiencing a surge! We do not need lights on in the kitchen or the lounge, hard to believe well see the picture!!


 See what i mean and the sight seeing has begun, visitors down a very small cul de sac just doesn't work and then their dog starts to bark. No Christmas spirit here then!!!

But on a positive note!!!!! one of me at Welney!!

It was so cold!! and we had a nice day, no rain or frost. I also got a medal, a horse brass. So all told this year i have received a bag of spuds and the horse brass for my efforts, i wonder what Sunday will bring?  Something new for November,  i can now add marshalling to my talents. What next i wonder.
Well to bed with an ice pack and the thought of  'tomorrow is another day'

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