Sunday 8 September 2013

Days 1085-1086

Well we managed to get here and the weather has changed, we have rain!!

It's been quite strange, we have talked about Mikey and Tom endlessly. We have been to places that we so enjoyed when the boys were small, it's hard getting older and it's hard excepting at so much time has passed by. We really do not appreciate our lives until we reflect back. That's another lesson I have learnt these passed two days, no matt how we wish or try, we cannot turn the clock bac. Neither can we change the memories they are exactly that, memories of time past.

Can we look to the future, well I don't think so, we just have to live for the moment, every moment.

 We are creating memories with every step, and I wish we would remember that all of the time.

Time seems to be the subject of this blog tonight!

So we have walked miles since we have been here and I have embarked on a gorilla hunt, photos and expectation on my return home!!

I'm sitting here and can here the rain pouring down onto the caravan roof, lets trust that by the morning good weather will be ours, I doubt it somehow.

So today I bought a miniature sculpture of a mouse called Wilfred. It stands about 3inches. To me I sometimes think of myself as the mouse in the corner, watching and waiting my time, but never underestimate the power and determination this small creature has!! I will place him next to my Olympic medal! and my dragon sculpture now what does that say about me I wonder.

Tomorrow we plan to discover the times of the paddle steamer that's running up the river dart, I wonder if we will get a chance to try it out!

I also bought a fab Henry Holland skirt, oops ah well I'm on holiday!!!

Brixham has been bought into this century, they have really improved the area since we were last here. Would have been nicer if it had not been raining but never mind. Tomorrow is another day.......

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