Friday 6 September 2013


7 days well that's an improvement!

The running has remained constant and a couple of cooler runs does wonder for confidence in ones abilities!

So what have I been doing well I guess the couple of days off at the beginning of the week enabled me to at last catch up on a few tasks that have been on hold.
Another first for me, one parcel sent out of country! have now had the opportunity to do that.

Uni course work submitted today just in the nick of time!!

Relay planned and will do trial run when I come back from holiday. Off to Devon in a few hours, packing done, Tims in bed as he will be driving. I have no sense of direction so we could end up anywhere but our true destination!!

Its been raining today so it could be that summer has come to an end! ah well its been a long hot one this year. Mikey would have been in his shorts for months!

Ready!!! well as ever I will be.

It does seem strange going back to Devon where we have had so many happy memories, just hope I can see them this year.

Ive been to busy at work to think about much of anything I seem to be brain numb! but im going to try this year to blog daily if I can access the site from my ipad. If the weather is bad I will have plenty of time so, lap top, ipad, and books all packed, that includes the ipad for dummies book I purchased recently and have not had the time to read. I may even down load some apps!!
Ipod in my bag for some music of my taste while we travel! well I can always pretend when Tim asks me if im asleep!!

Right then bed I guess for a couple of hours and see what the morning brings, after all tomorrow is another day............

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