Friday 30 August 2013

Days 1057-1077

20 days this time, guess that's an improvement but still not good.

August is such a rotten month and this year I have really struggled. Misery came looking and found me waiting, she wrapped me in her mantle and there I remained until now.

The Wicken Fen star gazing night. Our yearly adventure watching the Perseid meteor shower resulted in all of us invading my sisters garden. where an enjoyable peaceful night occurred.  I was so glad of the company. We were worried about sending up my lanterns for Mikey, as the fields were so dry, but we risked it.  My poor brother in law was chasing a lantern which was hovering above the ground. It skimmed the surface before lifting up and sailing across the star studded sky. An amazing moment.

I had a message from Mikeys friends mum, her son passed away 5 years ago and she said it has become harder not easier. In some ways that gave me comfort knowing I'm not so unusual. There isn't the opportunity to talk to other parents, we seem to be a group that no one wants to cope with!

I've managed to juggle time and spend some of it out on my new bike with Tim as well as running rather poorly. The weather has been so hot and I really struggle and with the harvest brings those pesky blighters of insects. I have become rather sensitive to their bites and had a couple of courses of antibiotics etc. attending  A and E as a result of one of them, same as last year.

The summer running route takes us across the fields, through the pocket park where we are closed in by trees. The pollen count has been high and I've suffered! The summer has been long and hot, it would appear that the crows were right!!

Attempts have been made at the club to try and help the slower group to improve. My word those nights have been really difficult but I do think they have helped.

I've managed to get some Long runs in at the weekends but now I'm working that's a trial!

I am still having to travel most months and its so time consuming.

I have my uni assignment to write and have a couple of days to get that in, ah well will try on Monday or Tuesday

I seem to have found my joy in running again. I am so grateful for that. I was about ready to call it a day when I experienced Mikey close and the fact that I shared a very special moment that was so vivid enabled me to carry on, it was the push I needed. When the going got harder, he was there.

Across the other side of the world is a very special lady who has also been someone to lean on, who has propped me up with her words of love and support, who seems to message me just when I needed it most. Between the two of them I have my mojo back and I'm running better than I ever have.

So I'm running in a 58 mile relay, thank goodness my leg is only 7.2 miles, and in October I have a half marathon, I'm feeling more confident about that now. I have lost weight, drinking more water and feeling fitter. Maybe that has helped as well.

I'm working this weekend so I think I best get to bed. I really am just taking each day as it comes and tomorrow is another day...................

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