Couldn't do it! just couldn't write my blog for the past few days. It didn't matter how often i sat here i was so reluctant to write.
I'm not sure what to do now, it seems as though everything w aid we would do, we now have and its really hard to find any motivation. Will it return, i hope so.
The Olympics was special to us and we watched avidly, rarely missing anything. Tom,. who had no interest found himself watching and enjoying the whole two weeks. Lovely to hear him and Tim discussing the events. It was always Mikey who would either pick up the phone and speak to his Dad or vice versa. Usually Mikey though.
How strange it was that the Olympics was on at this time when its hardest for us and the closing ceremony on his anniversary. It made the day in some way more bearable. Of course the Perseid meteor shower on the same day. A remarkable day all in all.
A day of smiles and a day of wonder.
We set out late on Saturday to Wicken Fen to catch the shower at its peak in the early hours of the 12th. An eventful night.
We arrived at Wicken to find my sister and her husband and youngest daughter waiting. I arrived with her eldest daughter and a friend. We donned our head torches, carried our seats and rucksacks and headed out into the darkness. I couldn't quite understand why i was not shining any light on the path ahead until i was told i was blinding everyone as mine was on upside down. How wonderful it was when put on correctly the vision improved and my way was clear! Traipsing through foliage and sticking to the path became an adventure. Water on one side and tress on the other, no railings on the bridge we crossed and scanty info from the web site. Last years visit cloudy in my memories! We picked our site, lovely bench and plenty of free space, silence, no not at all!! music blaring across the fen we sat listening to the sounds of Madness, Dexys Midnight Runners and all the rest of 70,s groups until a slow number came on and we knew it was coming to a close. We heard the DJ giving his closing words and then we could listen to the sounds of nature, or so we thought.
We watched the most amazing shooting star streak across the sky a glorious sight a meteor indeed, the wide fiery tail just wonderful, we all oohed and ahhhed at the spectacle.
So we had our hot coffee poured and ready for the next and then Hamish raised the alarm. Having earlier scared the girls with ghostly tails the reaction to the following event was and should not be seen as surprising!
With no lights on, pitch dark our hearing had obviously became more sensitive the noise Hamish heard and the gasp of there is someone on the path in front of us had us all swivelling on our seats and the old heart started to race, Can you see them i heard the noise. I said it was my friend Sue in her gum packet, turning to her i found an empty seat! it was in fact Sue having thought to herself she may see more standing, silently rose and stood on the path in front of us like a phantom!! The relief was instantaneous followed by loads of giggles and sips of coffee to calm the nerves. All seated and once again watching the sky. And then!!!
Seated with our heads tilted back and just hearing the ducks in the background and the sounds of the owls hunting and the rabbits screaming, an unusual noise, a crunching and a flash of light. Did anyone see that, once again all of us on the edges of our seats peering into the night. Where, over there is that someone walking. After some deliberation we decided no, but then, the light came back, first white then lower down a red glow, eyes??? no we wouldn't see eyes glowing, um Hamish's words came back as a sharp reminder. Did anyone else hear a whinny? no i thought i heard it and a sniffling noise, no surely not. Well there are some horse lose but not this side says Joy with some confidence!. Oops we heard about the enormous pond spiders, they were protected because they are as big as dinner plates so we were told!! no surely not! How odd that the imagination goes into overdrive at a rapid rate of notts!
The light began to move, its someone out there. Enough is enough so i switched my headlamp on and faced the foe. Cant let them know we are worried can we. Joy whispering frantically to turn it off. No everyone put theres on safety in numbers. Well it started to move towards us and then another. Has some one got a dog with them and a light on the collar i wondered. The light at the front was very high. Its a horse with a light on it!! no it cant be and as it got closer we saw several shapes outlined. Um more than one then as the light got closer we could see it was another group of people out to watch the stars. As the got closer we could see the cameras and bags of food. Oh look they have a take away, what a good idea. Foreign visitors speaking in heavily accented English. I thought they asked for the seat, i replied its taken. Hamish said something. They continued passed and set up came several yards away.Hamish said they said he though Perseid but to me it sounded like seat. Anyway once again we settled down to wait.
This time the sounds we heard were very real and very close and rather worrying. Lord only knew what was in store for us now. Stomping of very angry hooves, neighing and you could hear the snuffling noise of lips being blown out. We shone our torches across the field but could see nothing, the more light the more frantic the noise. Is it a wild boar someone said. Blooming heck surely not, now they are dangerous. The other group were also becoming restless. As a group we faced towards the noise yet again. After several minutes and another coffee we decided it was the horses and they were not too happy about being kept up so late. They were probably as scared as we were!! Mikey would have been roaring with laughter.
So yet again we settled to watch the show, whining , whining noises. Gnats. Hoods up to protect ourselves we looked a dangerous group of individuals!
All in all night and morning to remember as we tried to find our way back to the car park. I eventually got to bed at 5am.
Tom came round for lunch which was lovely for me to have him share our day.
Sue text about our Sunday run, so we did that. We decide to cycle to the prison, lock our bikes up and run through the pocket park, however when we reached the club house we spied a gap in the fence so we lifted the front of our cycle sup and made our way into the grounds, locked our cycles and went for a good run. Back to the club house and we decided to go for a ride as well. Home in time to watch the closing ceremony of the Olympics.
Tom came back to watch it with us. A good end to an eventful day. Mikey i think you would have been proud of us.
Sue, Joni, Olivia and Joy
Olivia, Joni and Me
Trying to get the lantern off the ground
Hamish dont let go, its too low
for you Mikey xx
And so, tomorrow is another day......................................
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