Sunday 3 January 2016

3rd and 4th January

Gain a day gain a friend so they say! Sadly my excuse is that I will be working tomorrow night. I now work 1 night a week to keep my registration up to date. Mondays were the day of the week that did not interfere with running, and I got to chose! So short of nurses everywhere. I will not have the opportunity to write tomorrow.

It has rained all day so not managed to get out on the road but I have done my exercises, ate healthily and kept my word to stay on here regularly! Yes I know its only the third day but that means I have already equalled my number of posts for the whole of last year!

I have also kept to the herbal teas, well I have had 3 so that's better than nothing, three less coffees!


I admitted it so not cheating.

Last night I also managed to register with the Park runs and my barcode came through today! first one is the pilot race and the official towns first park run will be on the 23rd January. Think I may be marshalling though. Injury will not be up to a bit of cross country!

The lady I sat with at hospital passed away today, I'm glad I was able to give the family a little, much needed rest.

Whilst I am trying to stay positive and keep my mind on doing other things I have to say I lapsed today and did feel sorry for myself. My running buddies ran 14 miles today and I cant even run a bath! However I didn't stay low for long just got cracking with the exercises.

Plan for tomorrow is much of the same except get out on my bike, what ever the weather even if its just a few miles. I need to!

Maybe I should try to make my pages more interesting, um not sure how to do that though ah well tomorrow is another day........

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