Friday 8 January 2016

7th and 8th January 2016

Crikey I here again! Something is working, maybe I'm just determined to keep up with things this year! Its all about being positive.

Yesterday I did walk to the running club and it was great to see everyone and I walked home. 5 miles in total, knee held up, a little sore but nothing as it has been.

I'm going to marshal at the Frostbite on Sunday, hope its not snowing or raining, a little bit of this unseasonal sunshine will be much appreciated! Tuesday I will cycle with another walking wounded, there are a few of us at the moment. Get the injuries over and done with now and then be fit for the summer. I prefer to run in the winter though, oh well never mind that, stay positive!!

I am so positive I have purchased another pair of running shoes and some new capris. I may even be a little slimmer when I get to wear them.

Healthy eating is still going well, although if I'm honest I do miss all that lovely unhealthy stuff, especially chocolate! I have lost 2 whole pounds this week, not the stone I thought I would lol! Still it is early days. They tell me gradual weight loss is best, umm well we will wait and see. It will be better for my joints if I'm not carrying excess baggage and may even go faster! now that is an incentive.

Continuing to do the exercises and I'm sure they are helping. Its all about strengthening the muscles and ligaments. Just have to be patient.

Weather much the same as the last few days, cold, windy and wet. Awaiting the so called snow bomb that is supposed to hit us next week. I imagine we will get a flurry as usual. Here in the fens we are very sheltered from severe weather. Odd dust storm in the summer but nothing much else.

Ah ha! booked a holiday yesterday, heading back to Somerset in the early Summer. We haven't been since 1976 when the petrol strikes were on. We went down on a motorbike and we were stranded at Devises for 4 hours waiting for a petrol station to open! Happy days!

8 days into January and have kept Misery at bay, now that is a positive!

Monday I am meeting up with my sisters as its my Birthday and I am looking forward to that. May here some news about our camping week away in the Summer, slightly less positive about that but I'm working on it!

Made a calendar using a photo of Mikey and it has turned out so well. Did it on line and arrived this week. Another positive, I can look at it without crying, some sadness but with a little joy remembering him on that day.

On that note I will close because tomorrow is another day...................

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