Thursday 14 January 2016

Days 9-14th January 2016

Wow where did nearly a week go! I only thought I had missed a day or two!

So much for my good intentions. On a positive I am here tonight, and its so cold! First snow of the year even if it was just a dusting and lasted a couple of minutes. If you blinked you would have missed it!

Goodness the weekend went so fast and I was marshalling again as I still couldn't run, I was on the water station and we ran out of water several times. The tap was on the other side of the field. Some very unhappy runners and quite right too. I have asked that next year they have decent containers so I do not have to keep filling up plastic cups from a water filled freezer box! 700 runners were at the event, you can just picture it cant you, and only me at the station!

Day out to Ely on Monday to celebrate my birthday, its was cold and wet. Still what should we have expected it is January.

Youngest sister has changed our holiday destination and month! and I booked a holiday only last week! we usually go in June but as I thought that was when we were going to Dorset camping I booked a holiday in May so not to clash. However the plan now is to go for a long weekend in Suffolk, in.... March! ah well should be fun at least not under canvas and no risk of hay fever!

No that means Feb out with sisters to celebrate sister number threes birthday, Suffolk in March I'm off to Brighton for the marathon weekend in April, Somerset in May, Devon in September and Snowdon again in October. Quite a busy year! 

Physio Tuesday and it didn't go as well as I had hoped but I knew deep down it would not. So no running for at least another two weeks, more exercises and with weights, twice a day. I have only done them once today as knee has become more sore again.

Healthy eating continues and I am doing ok I think. Taken the men in the family by surprise!

Walking and cycling when I can. Cycled 10 miles on Tuesday evening kept my running buddy company.  Attempted to cycle today but the wind was really strong and made the knee sore. So pushed it like an old lady! Not as bad a sister number 1 who when out for the day withdrew mums collapsible walking stick from her bag. Instead of taking it out and then give it a flick to put it together she held the handle and pulled it out of her back the stick coming out in one full length just like pulling hankies from a magicians hat! Amazing. I am going to hide it when we go out next time lol.

Have also walked 6 miles today Now what day do I get weighed, I have forgotten not to worry will check my book later after all tomorrow is another day..................... Love you Mikey xx

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