Sunday, 11 December 2011

Day 476/477/478/479

Yep another 4 days. What is it that results in days getting missed. Tim says work is taking over and i think it is. I don't go swimming now and yet those two days are just swallowed up. How odd.

Anyway physio this morning and things are definitely improving at last!!! another tape up, calf's de knotted! and back next week with my kit just to see if I'm running wrongly, but fit to run tonight.

Work and my boss in! to do a review so cant get home for lunch and then blow me if we didn't get a surprise visit from the company auditor and he was there till nearly six!! so home and quick change and out to run. Had to go in the car as no time to cycle. Just got to the club and we were called to run, still going up the road trying to get my watch on and trying to turn on my high viz lights!!! not a good start. So no lunch and no tea.
It was cold and wet and we needed to really keep focused. Still we did well considering the long run Sunday.

Friday, yet again another visit from the boss!! but the report from the auditor was good, that's a positive anyway.
Had to go back to work this evening to take photos of carol service. Tim not best pleased. Then another call just before midnight and called in again and didn't get home till 0230hrs!! worn out!!!

Saturday just passed in a blur and was determined to get up early today for a run, um only half worked out. Still it was a miserable day and decided to head off to Ely to try and get a running shirt, cant get a thing in town!! The scenery was grim! so bleak and grey, the road closed off just up the road, and accident i think. Someone is in for a very sad Christmas.

Everywhere is dull and lifeless even the green winter wheat shoots look sad. The trees are bare and just look like skeletal arms and fingers pointing upwards. The only positive was Ely Cathedral. the grand old lady of the fens standing proud in the distance like a beacon guiding us all to safety. Plenty of parking spaces!!! managed to get what i wanted and home for lunch. A quick trip to Staples and it was evening.

Decided to go for a run before it rained again, only a short one just round the block a couple of miles.

And that's my week end gone.

My blogs are becoming memory points of my days! and that's not what i want. I hoped that i would be able to look back and understand how this grieving process worked and that's not whats happening, is it? Just mundane ramblings of a woman getting through the days the best way she can. That's it isn't it, there seems to be no soul in my writing, when did that go! Its true what they say you work to live, not live to work but i feel sure that's how my life is now. How can i turn myself around again! I do want to, so its a promise to myself, a new year and another new me. I'm changing almost yearly!! Who am i? who do i want to be? i cant answer either.

This week almost every day accounted for! and then it will be a week till Christmas still no cards sent out again and no Dec's up. Luckily we talked about it again today and Tim feels the same. Cards have come through he door and they sit on the table. I think Tim will try and take me out for a run over Christmas, or drop me off somewhere and hope i can find my own way home!! We will see. Oh good lord we have the new years eve run to do, best get some more practise in!!! Well its cold and i need to get some sleep cant think about next week but tomorrow, is another day................

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