Friday, 16 December 2011

Day 483/484

Two days! well its an improvement!

Woke up today to snow!!! i knew it was cold yesterday!

Went out to managers Xmas meal. Nice seeing E and it was then as i was looking around the table that i realised that i was amongst strangers. All of the others came in around the same time and here was E and i almost the last of the old order standing, and E was struggling. That made me sad because if she is having problems then lord help every one else.

Home fairly late and then out for a run and there were only a few of us. Sue couldn't run tonight because she was injured, her groins, i hope she will be fit for next week. So i thought i would be running alone until this lovely man came in and said oh good someone to run with. i will run with you. Panic!!! im not up to your pace says i, don't worry he said i will run with you and just tell me when you need to rest or stop.

My goodness we set off at a good pace and i thought you know what, i cant remember him being this fast when i have been following the group. Still i did well and just paused briefly before moving on again. I asked if we could do the short route because of my ankle sure he said. Anyway got to the point where we have always gone and he turned left oh no this is even further!!! but kept up and had a walk when the ankle started to feel sore.. On the way back the lights were on the gates as a train was coming. Praise be!! a rest i said, you are going a bit fast for me. Oh, he said, i thought you was running well and i was keeping up with you!!! blast me we set ourselves a good old pace through a misunderstanding!! 5 miles in 57 Min's!! not bad! But it really was cold, you could feel it through the gloves and hat i was wearing.

Today was manic and we just didn't have a minute and still not got all the jobs done i needed to do. I am so disappointed in people and how lacking in honesty they are. Feet should be firmly in one camp not one foot in two camps!! just does not work and at sometime that will come up and bite the person! Still its Friday thank goodness and a weekend off.
 Tom popped round today, he looks well and wants to borrow the carpet cleaner for the week end. He had to take Rocky to the vets tonight. All is well though just change his diet.

So tonight just stayed in and became a couch potato for the evening!! and I'm sitting here with a hot cup of coffee and a fleecy pair of Jammie's on. snug. I have a good book to read and will soon climb in for a well deserved rest!

I am off on Tuesday and will be going shopping for the day by myself!!

Mikey is very much in our thoughts and maybe that's why we just cant find anything to say. I hope it will be dry and frosty tomorrow and we can get out for a nice long walk with Duke. Our days just roll into each other, tomorrows are just another day to get through and time is measured by those words each time i sit here. Yesterdays become today's, tomorrows become todays and all our today's become yesterdays and tomorrows!!!! how odd. Meaningless.

I have been searching the web site about our New Years Eve run and its a time limited race. Oops i haven't had chance to tell Sue that yet. Still she has a better endurance level that me, so I'm sure we will be fine, but its only two weeks away!!  Wonder if Sue will be able to run on Sunday? and is she doing too much!

Got some more photos to put on, haven't the time now, but tomorrow is another day.................

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