Saturday, 17 December 2011

Day 485

My word not missed a day! cant remember the last time that happened. Woke up early to a heavy frost and Tim and Duke had already headed out across the fields!! Thought about going for a run, thought mind you. The ankle feels a bit iffy again, i just hope this time it holds up. Heard from Sue all being well she will be running on Tuesday, but she is being referred to a surgeon!!! good gracious what a pair we are.

Tim decided to give me a pep talk about how unready i am for the marathon and how i should be out every day training!!! well that's not what my training plan says but hey ho what do the experts know lol. Anyway i think he could see i was getting rather depressed about his comments! I'm just going to keep on with what I'm doing. Progress is being made after all. Tomorrow i need to do a bit longer than the training nights with the club. Its on a Sunday when the runs become more intense. I sound like some athlete instead of a mum just giving it a go. Still onwards and upwards. I must remember to pop the joint in the oven before i leave in the morning!!!

I do need to spend more time on my stretching exercises so from next week I'm going to go to bed earlier and get up in time to do them before i go to work. I need to get all the ones out for my back, the hamstring and the ankle and calf. Blow me what a lot of injuries i have had this year! Surely the new year has to be better.

Tom came to see us again today and we went to check out a new TV, didn't get one, couldn't decide!!! no change there then.
Every day at the moment is an effort for me, i suppose its the time of the year, really should send some cards but just cannot drum up the enthusiasm. Maybe next year will be better. Unless i make an effort it wont be though. Ah well does it really matter?

May run abroad next year, Tim said only if i get the passport. I have been saying all year i will do it but still not bothered. That's what it is, not bothered. Humph, need to get a grip and decide whats important and whats not! Treacle!!!!! that's what my feet are in or is it sand? and that's where my head is?

You know its odd but having lost Mikey to CF, we have been lost to CF itself. It really is as if we have ceased to exist. Its weird but the USA seem to have a more positive outlook and caring attitude to those who have lost. Britain appears to cater for those who are raising awareness of the disease and fund raising etc but no after care for parents, certainly nothing i have found anyway.

Well no pics!!! no time but definitely on my next blog. So to bed, up early for my run gulp!!!! hats and gloves out and thermal undies, not a pretty sight, but that's for the morning after all tomorrow is another day........................

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