I'm not sure if its mental or physical exhaustion, maybe a bit of both!
Tom must be in Thailand by now and hopefully enjoying himself. Only another 2 weeks of worry!
Work, its almost like being on a roller coaster and yet i see no end in sight yet. Priorities change on a daily basis, who moved those wretched goal posts!
Diet continues to go OK and Tim bless him is really trying to make sure i stick to it.
Went swimming tonight and managed 50 length. I was counting and will tell Joni on Thursday! I have learnt another new thing tonight. This well built gentleman walked round the edge of the pool in this very skimpy pair of speedos. Joni said they are now called Budgie Smugglers! i almost fell over with laughing, how apt and i can see why they would be called that. I shall never be able to look at a man in them with out my imagination going into overdrive! Got home and made a healthy sandwich and then promptly fell asleep on the settee and have every intention of climbing into bed when i have finished here. I just cant hack it like i used to. So no pictures tonight.
Running tomorrow and my leg and ankle still resemble a hockey stick with ring do nut round the base. I hope it holds up for the run. I guess i will have to wait and see.
I have looked at my posts and this time last year Mikey was in with yet another collapsed lung, how things have changed over the last 12 months. Life is not the same certainly! I just wish Tom realised what he has. Will that day ever come i wonder.
I'm off to get an early night and hope that my days in the future do not feel as though I'm walking in mud, ah well tomorrow is another day.
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