Sunday, 8 May 2011

Day 250/251

Here we are and the week end has just about finished. Its another two day blog!! really must get my act together. The weather remains fair! beautiful May  , soon be my holidays and then no blogging for two weeks! will have to keep a diary and post it all on my return, still that's not for another 4 weeks yet!
After i blogged on Friday the theme of fire stating continued! i heated up my wheat bag, OK so i like a bit of warmth! and set that alight in the microwave! so the smell of burning was pretty bad in the bungalow. Another mistake, i just seem fated to do things wrong!! Ah well.

Saturday morning and the sun was out again, still a bit frosty inside though! a bit of retail shopping was the order of the day. Lots of it!!!!!

I cycled loads on Saturday and walked miles! but it was worth it because i weighed myself today and have lost 3 pounds this week! yippee i was about to give up on the wretched diet. Still if this keeps up it should make the running a bit easier, less weight to carry round and all that! We live in hope!

Tim kept up the quiet treatment for most of the day! well there is a surprise. I suppose he thought if he says nothing he cant be wrong. Men i really don't understand them. I'm sure they come from a totally different planet. Perhaps they feel the same about us women, who's to say? i certainly will not be asking the question though.

Today again the sun was out and the temperature in doors considerably warmer! A day in the garden reading, followed by a really good afternoon walk by the river and over the cricket, thank goodness they had stopped for tea, other wise a period of listening to the ball hitting wood and watching the match would have followed.

Running, Tim said he would take me out, oh my lord i can well imagine his comments! Tim used to be very sporty in his youth and ran for the county. What would he think of my efforts!. So i got on the treadmill for a bit of practice. That was enough for Tim to say i wasn't ready but he would take me out in the car to see where i would eventually be taken. Lord, it is in the back of beyond, no way is he leaving me there until i can sprint!!! and that's a long way off.

I got the bike out when i got home and had a quick spin around the block!! losing the 3 pounds has motivated me today but we will see how the rest of the week goes!!

I'm going to try and put some pics on of the past few weeks not sure how they will come out but here goes

                                                 Tom and Tim checking the car before going
                                                    home after his Thailand holiday
                                           Our Blackbirds chicks have hatched only one survived
                                               Tim in Cromer on Mikeys birthday
                                              Even the ducks take a stroll along the Prom at
                                                   Hunstanton on Mikeys birthday
                                          Tim in thought at Sherringham on Mikeys birthday
                                          Chew bacca at the Norfolk show, i remember Tom
                                         going out on New years eve dressed like this, his friends
                                           bought him home in a sorry state! put him to bed and
                                          gave me the head in a plastic bag!! it took three days to
                                              clean and had to be hung under the car port!!

                                            Have you ever seen feet this size on a chicken before!!

That's enough for now i will but some more on later, perhaps tomorrow because it is another day...............

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