Well i did say i was in a muddle with the days!!! so i thought i would put real day at the top and blog the missing days here until i have caught up. The way things are going its going to take a while!!!
Up early this morning! and saw Tim off as he headed to Docaster to help Tom. Boot full of tools, he was not taking any chances in case Tom had forgotten anything.
Headed to work early, amazing really that i got up after yesterdays run! what an evening. I think i was still suffering after Tuesdays 5 mile run. Not that we knew until Thursday how far we had gone. We had another lady run with us and boy could she talk!! Dont know where she got the breath from. Problem was the more she talked the faster i went and was wearing myself out instead of pacing myself. Ah well lesson learned. It was so hot last night i am beginning to wonder how i will cope on Sunday, it talks of being hot again.
The ankle remains swollen and sore and i will rest it after Sunday, i have delayed going for my xray results until afterwards. I did ask the radiographer if it was broken and she said no, i trust their judgement but im not sure what i have done.
August draws ever closer and its with a great deal of sadness that i am remembering this time of the year and the events that happened and also how Mikey was, the constant lung collapses and the hopes of going home for a while to be dashed with anoth lung failure. God he was so incredibly brave and strong, well the face he showed the world and us. No one can cope so well with out inner turmoil. How we wished we knew. Still we cant change the past, i wish we could. Life sadly isnt like an artists sketch where you can rub out mistakes and start again in the attempt to obtain perfection. Its one shot only.
We are picking up an 8 week old German Wirehaired Pointer tomorrow morning. Tim will have so much to think about and another best friend! Thank goodness i kept the rocking chair because he will have a few nights without sleep until the pup settles.
We had a pointer just like him when the boys were small and he lived for 14 years, a wonderful companion. I remember when we went the owner said stand back im going to let them out. 9 puppies bounded out of a bard one knocking Mikey over in his exuberance! he remained like that until we lost him. This pup will grow old with us!! and will keep us active with all the exercise he will need. I will take some pictures and post if i can. Must get this computer fixed properly!!!
Holidays then
DAY 283
Drtmoor today. Another reflective journey. Its been so good to talk about both boys and forget for a while what has happened. Its almost like we still have them both. We really were blessed with our children! Such good memories of happy days.
I digress, Tim thought there was a better way of getting to Dartmoor that our usual route and told me to read the map book and give directions. Big mistake. I actually knew where we were going and was confident in my orientation skills. However Tim thought otherwise!!! When we found ourselves in the depths of the moors with only wild ponies and sheep he became a tad stressed. The roads became single tracked lanes and the air inside the car became very thick! you could cut the tension with a knife! oh lord best keep quiet. A man never trusts a woman to know they are right!! Anyway he was just about to turn around, not sure where because no where to do so when we saw a sign post that said Princetown. Thank goodness!!!
The prison could be seen on the horizon, briefly!! It was disapointing really because they are doing so much work to the prison that it was surrounded by scaffolding and polythene, never mind we had a good walk around until it rained!!! It was miserable up on the moors, it must have been very bleak years ago when it was first built.
We stopped at Badgers Hold on our return. Another place where Mikey fell in the stream from the rocks!!
We spent the evening in Broadsands where Tim had a jog!!! i have the photos.
Still sticking to the diet, what a good person i am! or maybe im becoming obsessed.
Ankle is miserable, lots of ice when i get back to the caravan, but you have to walk dont you?
Day 284
Not so nice again today. Lie in and then to Brixham for lunch.
Walked to Preston, saw the sculpture i liked again and am really tempted. Shop was shut again and no one in. Tim said if i liked it have it. So considering it. Its a fab piece.
Went to the cinema today and watched Xmen the beginning. Really good film and we both enjoyed it.
The ankle had ballooned so i really must rest it if possible, lets hope we have quieter day tomorrow!
Day 285
Teignmouth today it was cold! and we saw black swans swimming in the sea, how unusual. Went back to the caravan early and i went to the launderette and did some washing. Walked to Goodrington in the dark this evening and watched the fireworks again.
Had a call from the art gallery and I'm going to collect the sculpture next week.
Its been a week already and its been lovely.
Tim's in bed and its raining!!!
Day 286
Its raining hard really pouring down. Its the 12th June, 10 months today. The heavens are crying with us. A day of rest i thought. We attempted to get out for lunch but it was so bad we got soaked just walking a few yards, the brolly blew inside out and the wind was fierce. Back to the caravan and there we stayed. Naughty with the diet today!!! but hey ho cant be a saint about things, can i?
The ankle has been better today so the rest has been good for it. No weight bearing at all really in comparison with the past few days. Watched motor cycling the Grand Prix, and it was raining in Canada so that made me feel a bit better. Looks like there may be a prowler about, someone just shone a flash light in the door. Bed for me then!! Its still raining.
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