Monday, 11 July 2011

Day 316

Its a new day, or should i say it was its almost over.

Headache persisted but perhaps that was the weather or stress! Yep stress. At last i can see light at the end of one tunnel, sadly there another 20 to navigate! not my strong point navigation!

I have been so lucky to be surrounded by a small group of people today who love me, warts and all and just accept that today is a bad day! Often making fun of me in the nicest possible way just to make me smile. It worked at least for a few minutes. I could feel myself, over the past few days becoming someone almost unrecognisable!!! not good.

So this evening i went for a swim and now feel almost human again.

I just cant seem to escape from this never ending circle of tasks!!! i crave a bit of peace and solitude. It seems hard to believe that i had a holiday! I'm almost as tired now as i was then. Age perhaps or is it the knowledge that August is fast approaching. I'm not sure but may have something to do with how i feel. Who do i ask?
Its a lonely road a mother travels when she grieves for her child and only a mother in the same situation could possibly comprehend the inner mind of a woman possessed with grief. Tim i know is hurting but its not the same, well i don't think so.  That's not to take away any of his feelings or emotions but its a nurturing thing. The female species is very protective of their young and would kill or die for them. That's true, i would do anything to stop them hurting. Sometimes we just have to sit back and let them work through things themselves, and isn't that frustrating!!! Another lesson to learn. We never stop learning no matter how old we are.

Running tomorrow! lets hope i do better than Thursday. The chest infection seems to be clearing slowly!! i will have to see if i make the 5 miles tomorrow or not! spirits willing and all that but the body seems to be slow in catching up!
The ankle seems to be much better, that's positive, oh lord Ive just thought! if i get off coughing tomorrow, i do hope there is a bush to hide behind handy. Another thing that's not as good as it used to be!!!! the joys of childbirth do have the odd disadvantage! better do some hasty pelvic floor exercises!

Another sisters day out planned for 29th July off to Norwich for the day. We may all be a tad slimmer when we meet up.

Weight watchers is working, i have now lost 1 stone and 2 whole pounds, yippee all i want now at this moment is a go faster hair cut. Um not sure if it will help but any stream lining must be advantageous!  A bit more ballast to lose and Bobs your uncle, Marathon here we come. Oh i forgot one small thing! Ive got to be able to run 21 more miles than i can at the moment. Eeek!!!

I do feel better now, i can tell how I'm writing. So on that positive note I'm going to make a cup of tea, take Duke out in the garden! it will soon be 4 am and he will be waking me up again! how come i can here him and Tim sleeps through that one, Um another mum thing i think!

Joys of a training day to get through tomorrow! and the room will be like an oven! I will try tomorrow to put some more of the holiday diary on and some pics Ive managed to save them oh i will just put one on now of Duke. Well blow me i cant find them!!! i will look tomorrow, it is after all another day............

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