Saturday, 5 March 2011

Day 189

What a change in the weather again. Its bitterly cold and could really have done with wearing my gloves.

A trip to Lynn this morning and it was misty. The type of day when it feels as if the clouds have dropped slightly. Miserable to look out of the car windows. Still the trip was fruitful, for me at least.

All we are doing is passing the time. Filling the hours until bed time.

This afternoon i walked to Eastwood and looked for our plots. Found them. It was strange to look down and think that one day that is where we will be. People will walk past and perhaps recall our names. I sat on a bench and thought about all sorts of things and how can it be that at my age i am planning for the end of our lives so Tom doesn't have to worry about it. I don't think we would have done this if we hadn't lost Mikey. It is certainly me coming to terms with my mortality. It rained and then i realised i was sitting in this enormous flower garden all alone. I wasn't worried about where i was was or that everyone in the garden was no longer with us, but i began to realise that it was a dangerous place to be. There are so many odd people now living in the town. Crime rate has escalated and people are being attacked on the streets in the early part of the evening. Perhaps we should go out in twos now. That is so sad.
So i left and thought to return another day.

This evening yet again we were both looking at pups on the net. However Tim suggested i made an enquiry so i have. No response so far. I do hope we get another dog. We will have so much more to think about. Well the bikes off the discussion this week end. Never know Tims internal mercury levels keep fluctuating with the weather!!!

So its that time of the night again. Next door have been away all day. I can only assume they are at the hospital. I hope all is well.

No idea what we are going to do with the rest of the week end. Had a call from work, and i must look at rotas!!! ah well tomorrow is another day.........

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