Phew i cant believe its almost 0100hrs Ive just come in from work.
Today has just been a whirl of activity and no respite to gather breath, and i could have done with a bucket full of that tonight!
I really haven't had a conversation with Tim today and i can feel us having less time than ever before, maybe because I'm doing so much. I just wish i could get home on time! that would make a difference. I must learn to say no, easier said than done, how do you walk away from people you are caring for for. It goes with the territory, but perhaps i should put my coat on at 3 with the hope of walking out of the door at 5pm. Maybe i will try it!
Anyway i got home at 5.45pm and had to leave at 6.15 to run so it was a swift cup of tea a quick chat, Tom phoned his dad and said he wasn't going where the floods are in Thailand and at the moment he was hoping to go as planned for his holiday. Tims sister and husband called round to see Tim this morning! whilst i was at work. That's fine with me and good for Tim.
Picked up my running partner and out till 8pm. Tonight we increased our length and i was puffing like a good one still it was easier on the second group of 5 lamp posts! but we increase the length again on Saturday to 6! now there we may have a problem but i will just have to wait and see.
I ache tonight! we had a lovely 10year old member of the club running towards us and as she passed she said well done keep it up! can you imagine and an 81 year old who put us to shame but the creme on the cake was lovely 71 yr old lady who had had a hip replacement running by like a teenager! Will i ever get to that stage.
Then just as we were running heard my name called and there sat my dear friend and her hubby getting ready to power walk this evening. Lovely to see her although briefly and hope to see her out there again, next time we will be running a little bit further!!
Well we hope to be ready for the spud run in July!!! 5 miles and a bag of potatoes when we finish cant be bad. Been trying to sort out my sponsorship campaign, Nicks going to help bless him.
Would you believe it i got a call from work whilst running!!! they had tried my on call phone which i left at home and then used my mobile that i always carry. No peace!!!
So been back to work and now I'm off to bed but before i go I'm going to put a couple of photos of Holkam on, they are lovely and who would have though our Norfolk coast could look so spectacular they could easily be mistaken for somewhere abroad and in the month of March. So i was very cross at myself for letting my battery run down!!!
I have been trying for ages to download them but im tired and the computer is so damn slow, so it looks as thoough they will have to wait until i have a little more time and dont have to get up for work, tomorrow is another day!
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