Have you ever woken up just knowing that everything is wrong in the world. You feel wrong, people are wrong, just about nothing is right!!! and you don't even know why?
Well that's how i felt this morning. Then the sun came out and all was well in the world. Those few hours earlier though just make you feel rotten.
If i was a man i expect you could say i was itching for a fight. Anyone would do, and i think the money should be on me!!!
Still that was earlier and now its OK.
The knee feels better not right but certainly better than yesterday. I can now walk upstairs, Yay!!!
Every day i little bit better.
Tim told me at lunch time i was becoming rotund!!! how dare he. OK so i have put some weight on recently but i ask you, was there any need for that!!!
He is trying to help i know because i am very aware that any weight carried now will affect the knee! But still i was quite miffed. Thank goodness my mood had improved before he told me.
Worry does make you behave oddly. A friend is off to hospital tomorrow, she has cancer and surgery booked for the morning. You just never know whats around the corner. First me again!!!! and its a limb, now Lin i really thought we would be OK this year, but its not to be. Still as a team we have achieved so much. Illness and tragedies certainly put things into perspective and the minor tribulations of work seem almost pitiful. At the end of the day that's exactly what it is, a job. Health is far more important and time should not be wasted about, as i say trivial things. They will always be there tomorrow
Mikeys loss has had profound effect on us as a family and i don't expect anyone to be able to imagine how we have felt or are still feeling unless they have been in the same position. It does however change you. Is that for the better or not?? i expect only time will tell. My tolerance level has become less though!
Well that's got that off my chest!!
Tims been for his walk again and i swear his waistline has shrunk a couple of inches whilst mine has increased. I am eating far less than him!! maybe I'm not eating enough. I will think hard about that!!
Anyway i am off to shower and the freeze my knee again and then to bed with a book. A positive mood but tomorrow is another day...........
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