Thursday, 27 January 2011

Day 152

Shame on me, i used the car again!!!  Didn't last long with the cycling i really must try harder.
Work continues to be challenging but good. The atmosphere is buzzing and we are laughing for a great deal of the day. How good is that. Time is going so fast. I woke on Monday and here it is now early hours of Friday morning. Girls day has arrived and the day of reckoning is here. Blast i hope i still weight the same as yesterday!!!

Tims birthday and his pressie didn't arrive!! Tim had said don't bother with a gift this year but as soon as no gift in sight, what is the first thing that's said. Yep it was, i didn't even get a present from you but someone from your work place called round with a card and chockie gift. Shame on me again!! So off to tesco and bought him his favourite sweets and then the gall of the man when he offered me one, and i took it i was accused of eating his present as well!!! Shame on me yet again!! Well he did offer and i have been sooo good!!
Tim missed Mikeys call and card today, he never forgot, but yet again Tom turned up trumps and remembered. He rang his dad and then said he had sent an e card but he would have to wait until i got home to open the computer for him!! Tim is going to have to move with the times. He is how ever spending a lot of time on here browsing!!!

Sorted out my article of clothing for tomorrow. Oh my word we have to fit them on. I will end up looking like a demented slug in mine!!! and Lin says shes taking pictures!! do i put them here for all to see. Why not, i  may as give every reader a laugh and brighten up their day!!

A meal out afterwards and a stroll along the river at Ely is the plan, thats if Linda gets there on time. At least in that she is reliable. You can rely on her to be late!!! Dad and Mum used to chuckle about it all the time.

Jen is going to pick me up and all meet at Joys first for the dreaded weigh and shame!! i may as well claim the booby prize, my treat to coffees then!! No cake! i have some pride!!

Knee is really improving every day I'm so pleased its the rest of me thats still failing!! who would have thought it. A consolation is my running partners back is still playing her up and so she is waiting for me to be fit before go back to athletics. How kind is that, at least we will be at the same level still.

A positive day today, i think because i am just so busy to think and thats why I'm coping. I wouldn't have said a few weeks ago that work helped but it does it gets you through time!!! but  tomorrow is another day.....

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