Thursday, 3 February 2011

Day 159

Another day in paradise? i think not.

How come i haven't noticed the primroses growing in the drive? i pass them four times a day at least. I must be living in a dream world half the time. I adore nature and the area i live and yet i could be anywhere today. I wonder why?

Work is relentless and there is no time to gather thoughts or to sit. I almost passed out today, twice!! then realised i had had nothing to drink for most of the day. Stupid or what! No time to sit and stare...... Is it worth it? i have to say how i feel at the moment no it isn't.
The mind is a peculiar thing, today it was racing ahead and i had manged to get all the days work and the next days done before lunch, however reality was not the same! So then it was trying to pull all the thought treads to some semblance of order, a mammoth task!
Its impossible to do two peoples jobs, and to do them well and tasks are left half completed! ah well no point worrying about it.

Physio this evening, and yippee the hamstring is repairing well, i can start to use Roger and some very short runs. Only a few steps and see how things go. Lots of exercises to do as well but they are important. When am i going to find the time? something will have to give!!!! Still really positive news for me at last. Tim has got to help with some of the exercises. I haven't told him yet, and i know he will be a hard task master and make sure i put effort into them. Oh deary me!! I can feel a sylph like figure coming on!!!!

Listening to the news tonight and hearing about all the weather problems that are happening does make you wonder if these are the effects of global warming.
Tonight the wind is howling around the bungalow and the car port roof sounds as if it will take off at any moment!! I love being inside when you can hear the wind and rain lashing at the windows. The changes of sounds are comforting and do tend to send me off to sleep. I have high hopes of a good night sleep after i have done my home work!!!

Looks like i will use the car tomorrow, I'm useless on a bike in the wind, not safe to be on the roads.
Tims been looking at Thundercats, oh i rather like the ideas. Tim used to have one in the nineties and we went miles on it. I may even be able to manage to ride it myself. I loved my ZX400 though such a pretty bike and very nippy. Maybe i will put a picture on here at some point.
Got my ipod fixed so all ready for getting out and about again.
Weigh day Friday, eek not looking forward to that, i wonder how the sisters are doing, better check my e mails.
Got through another Thursday but tomorrow is another day...........

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