It seems that all my day is work! i have had no time to think about anything else. I guess that means no time to be sad. Its almost like being numb most of the time now. Going through the motions without really having to think outside work. Watch TV and thats it, cant tell you who was in the programme and probably wouldnt recognise them the next day.
Is memory failing, well probably but on the other hand im just not interested.
I have all these boxes in my mind, locked with countless bits of information and memories in them. Sad thing is cant find the keys!!!! there must be some treasures in there somewhere. I may on the otherhand find all of these to painful and are locked against hurt. A bit profound for this time of the day or night!
Still havent had chance to put the info regarding my camera on the computer yet no time! Late home from work, then swimming, shopping and thats it end of day.
Not coming home for lunch tomorrow so Tim will have more time to himself may be good for him, not sure. Thursday im taking off as leave so we will have day in the week together, hope we manage to get out and about and i will take the camera!
Roll on the summer when we can go to Newmarket early in the morning to watch the race horses training on the gallups, should be interesting.
Its been raining hard tonight and its lovely to be in the warm hearing the rain on the windows, not so good to be outside though. Its been much colder today and the hand is playing up a bit. Always something!!
Must get the old eyes tested too, im beginning to peer at objects and that wont help the wrinkles!!
My hairs growing so you never know i may just have one last shot at a pony tail!! there is at least a quarter of an inch growth! just enough to get a band round. That and nothing else! Bought a hot brush at the weekend have not used it yet, to tell you the truth never used one before so lord only knows what the result will be. Probably like an old ladies hair do. Im sure my friends will tell me!
I have decided to do Mikeys memory box in the summer. I think i will be ready then and it will give me something to focus on as the year approaches. Time is moving at a rapid rate and we are just going for the ride. We are going where the current takes us, i hope its a good place.
Soon be Monday and i am off to the Cresset getting a little nervous and hope Linda manages to get here in time! i may just tell her she needs to be here at 5pm then with a littleluck she will get here for 6pm as she should, you can never tell with Linda bless her! Well to bed because Tomorrow is another day.........
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