Monday, 7 February 2011

Day 163

Another Monday over and done with. It almost seems like a chore to be coped with, well maybe it is!

I have managed to load yesterdays pictures on the computer so will put some on the blog in a minute or two. Goodness only knows what i will make of these daily writings if i ever go back to reading them from the start! I wonder what i will think?
The blogs help me get the days into having a purpose, to allow me to off load the frustrations of the days and indeed the small achievements of living a life of some sort.
My days consist mainly of work and filling the other hours with often meaningless things but better than nothing.
My head seems to be managing, my soul remains a sad and lonely place. I hope at some point there will be a joining together of them, but not yet.

Today i have spoken about Mikey with several people who have kindly asked how Tim and i are, so kind. That is often my undoing. I cope better if I'm angry but i have come to realise that isn't good for me. A hard lesson to learn, a huge mountain to climb.
I don't even know who i am angry at or what. Certainly not Mikey, never Mikey. I wonder if i have described Mikey as a paragon of virtue? he certainly wasn't. He was very special and that's not just me as a mum talking but he was human and was not perfect, but who wants perfect anyway. Mikey was never ever boring!
So i have spent time listening to music and reflection tonight. A useful pastime! I heard tonight that Gary Moore has passed away, he was, in my opinion the greatest guitar player and his Parisian walkway an absolute master piece. The one thing that we have been able to share with both boys has been the love of music. Between us we listened to all genre!
How odd that only me likes a spot of Reggae.

Tim said a strange and sad thing today. I asked as usual if he had seen anyone or spoken to anyone today, the answer was no and if he wasn't married to me he could lay here dead for days without being found. Tim then said it would be his own fault because he isn't very sociable. I didn't know what to say. Roll on the summer when he can get out a bit more. Just a little worrying though.

Well i better get those pics on

This is a statute of St Edmund i don't know the meaning of the arrows!!! but i will try to look it up some time. I had a morbid fascination for it though!!

This next picture i thought was an unusual weather vane, never seen one like it before and thought it would make a nice end to tonights blog

Mikey would have loved to have caught this on his camera. You could see the baby's head and feet out of each end of the sheet!!

Well i have Roger waiting i managed 30 minutes last night and will aim for the same tonight but, tomorrow is another day!

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