Saturday, 12 February 2011

Day 168

well its Saturday again, the weeks just pass by in a blink.

Spring is in the air, the new buds are coming out on the trees, the crows are nesting, the flowers are coming out. How strange that one day can be so different and you are able to look around with eyes wide open.

Mikey you were right i love the camera!! what a difference to the photos. I am however really struggling with all the buttons etc. I love to be able to point and shoot. I will just have to study the manual.

We have had a quiet day, Tim has watched the rugby, i had a walk to the library, town and then to see Joni, to show off the camera of course.

I do appear to have made the effort to make changes in our lives, to some cost i think.
Tim is feeling left out for some reason and has said tonight i dont talk to him enough.
I wonder if its because i talk all day and dont think what i am doing is interesting enough? or maybe its because i dont want to talk about the same thing twice, i dont know, i will have to think about it.
Our conversations are limited i think because Tim doesn't do anything.
What do i do, stop doing the new things in my life or do i just keep with Tim all the time.

I know i have changed since Mikey died and have become more selfish in as much as i am doing things i want to do instead of doing nothing. Maybe that's what the problem is. I am getting pleasure from then though.

Tim needs to make his mind up about a bike its not something i can do, i do try to show interest and would be once the decision is made. There is the rub!!! indecisive!!! always has been, always cautious. Some times we just have to make our mind up and do it. It doesn't matter if you later realise its the wrong choice, no harm done. Its the experiences that you can laugh and talk about later.

I think Tims having a day out in March, i hope so, he will enjoy it.

I am going to have a day off every week for the next 6 weeks so that may be good for us. I wonder what will happen when that finishes. Oh well we will see. Tomorrow is another day.................

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