Sunday, 27 February 2011

Day 183

Today has had its ups and downs. My thoughts at the moment are with another family who is losing their precious daughter to that damned CF.

It almost seems wrong to write about my day, when i know to some degree what they must be experiencing. So i will discuss my day and end the blog with my thoughts.

We decided to get out and attempt to use my camera. Spring is almost here and there are so many new beginnings happening. Flowers are showing their glorious colours, brightening the misery of winter. The buds are coming out all over the trees and shrubs. Birds are starting to nest and the days are getting longer. Time to capture these moments.

We went to Houghton Mill. Such an old building and still standing. The lock to the rear of the mill on the Ouse almost waiting for the boats to come through. Its nearly time.
The swans were magnificent. Pairs, i always admire this species who mate for life. In a few weeks the river will have the cygnets and parents effortlessly drifting along with the current. Peace.

We decided to walk through the woodlands to St Ives. The trees were bare and the land exposed almost naked. How i long for the trees to be dressed in their greenery. I managed to take lots of photos but what they will turn out like is pure guess work. I expect out of a hundred, one will be OK. Still practice makes perfect.
We walked in the rain, we walked through mud but we were at peace with the world. I can honestly say this is the most i have relaxed in a very long time.

We stopped for coffee and we were interested in what was happening around us. Tim was looking out for things of interest for me to point the lens at. Usually too late and the birds had flown!

It was late afternoon when we got home and it was down to some planting.
My tubers had reached maximum growth in the water and so to outside.

Wellies on, spade at the ready and off i went. Now where to put them. I decide to put them around Mikeys plant. 'Innocence', Joy bought it when Mikey passed away. It was a thoughtful gift. Tim thought it had died over winter but looking at it today it was covered in new buds. It should make a glorious sight in late Summer.

Mikey is very much in our thoughts today and Tom. The joy they have given us, i just wish they were both with us and close. That is not to be but we can still hope that Tom manages to find his way back to us.

I finished at 5pm and it was still light. Where has the time gone, how come a few weeks ago it was dark at 3.30pm? you see it does pass whether we want it to or not, time that is.

This evening i spent time on Roger and had thought to put the pics into an album on facebook but as yet i haven't done so, perhaps tomorrow. Instead i have pondered.

I know there are many people who are following my blog even though they have not indicated this by being a follower so perhaps you can remember me writing about a friend of Mikeys who had a transplant shortly after we lost Mikey.
I had wondered how she was doing and was pleased to read that she was back on facebook although still in critical care. This was a few weeks ago. I imagine she had been poorly to stay in that unit for so long.
Today i heard she married this weekend, in hospital and is very very ill.
To have gone through so much, to have received that very thing that all cystics pray for and still not to win the battle is so incredibly sad. That seems such a inane word to use but i cant imagine how she and all her family and friends felt and still feel. To have the opportunity of a new life in your grasp and still have it taken away is almost too much to bear.

So tonight, i am thinking of them all.

Tomorrow is another day...................................

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