Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Day 25

Today the weather was really nice. Tim started off by cleaning his car. We decided to got to Southwold today. It would make a change and well we could do with that. My mood was iffy although not like yesterday.

When we got there about 2 and a half hours later, the sun was out and it was really warm. Sweat shirts off and enjoy the sun. I was able to take lots of photos but the camera with the sun out, was proving difficult to see what i was actually taking. I really need a camera like Mikey had. So i guess that's next on the list!!! That and a lap top.

We had lunch and i stopped at the shops and guess what yep i lost Tim!! he didn't take his phone with him.

We found each other 30 mins later walking along the front. We had a lovely walk and i was snapping away merrily. Saw the house that's falling into the sea. Well almost the chap is trying his hardest to save it.

Our mood was cheerful and that felt good. Tim decided that he needed to go to the loo before he went home, as you do. I remained sitting on the sea wall looking for yet another opportunity to snap something. When i tried to get a bird all i ended up with was sky!! oh well the trials of becoming the next Davidia Bailey!!

Southwold is as I'm sure you know the up market seaside resort where beach huts cost £80000 so what happened next was not what we would have though would occur here.

Tim returned and said Sue a strange thing happened in there. I was in the cubicle and i could hear grunting and groaning from the next stall when a turd came under the separating wall. It was at least 3 inches long. I shouted hey what the f....s going on but the grunting just carried on. I couldn't kick it back because it would have stuck to my shoe and i wasn't going to pick it up. I asked him what he did and he said well i just left it, but i cant figure it out. Tim was really puzzled. How did it happen a turd cant just come at you like that. Did he wipe his a... and it flicked off or did it break away when he stood. I mean you cant not know you have a turd there can you and surely you wouldn't wipe yourself with a turd hanging you would wait for it to drop wouldn't you?  And it came through at speed. Well i was laughing so much that Tim laughed as well.
We said if Mikey was here and we told him he would be cracking up. It was the sort of thing that he would find so funny. Especially today cos Tuesdays was dad and Mike night. I wonder if he had anything to do with this???

I don't know concrete flying yesterday and poo today what will tomorrow bring.

This incident kept us in good cheer all day and I'm thinking of Mikey now with a smile not a tear but tomorrow is another day!!!

The air in the passage was stale and smelt damp, and yet the wall appeared very solid and not what you would expect in the fens. Andrew said as much to everyone. Mr Riley said that his family reckoned that these passage ways were a seam of a paricular substance that goes through out the country. There would be others just like this linking them all together, his family only used this section but there is another passage that leads south that they did not use.

Well this could be a good opportunity for the future and Anrew and Jane would need to chart this at some time.

The group continued to walk, but the children were now getting very tired and hungry. Jane called a halt. We all need to rest and have a drink. Her rucksack open and small bottles of juice were handed around to everyone. Mr Riley told Jane and Andrew that the passage would take them beyond the 16 foot stretch of bank and asked where they were heading then.
Jane told him that there was a copse close by and there was a small barn that they would sleep in overnight. They hoped that others would meet them there.
There was also transport waiting and enough diesel in the vehicle to get them to the next stage of there journey. Before they move on the group would have to go back to the town or whats left of it to try and get more supplies. They would decide what to look for when the group got togeteher. What should they prioritise etc. It would depend on the availabilty of products that had not been destroyed and or what any other survivors were taking or even keeping others from having.
The group would encounter changes in their society and in characters of the human race. Some they may not be prepared for both emotionally and physically. 

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