Monday 22 October 2012

Days 791-806

16 days cant believe it. Its shameful that my time has been spent in mundane things!

Where to start still not downloaded the photos!

My knee is really getting so much better. I started off going to the club and managed 3 mile walks twice a week and have been out cycling. Started to cycle to the club last week and even managed a ride out yesterday.

I have had physio and that's all going well i think! loads of exercises and back on the 5th November. This week is my last week of walking i think i may just manage a little run! i can do 5 minute runs and 5 minute walks for 3 miles. I may just try that on Thursday, we will see if not leave it till next week.

I have remained very busy in my new job and each day i face a new challenge! I'm getting home tired and in the dark now. Winter draws ever closer i fear.

I had an amazing ride home the other evening  The sun was just setting and the sky had an orange glow, the fields had a mist rising up and as i was driving along the dual carriage way a flock of geese swooped down and were flying along the centre of the road in front of me, just like a winged escort. Beautiful.

I haven't as yet been out with Tim and Duke in the evenings but i am sure it will not be long now. The weight has crept on during this period of exercise drought and that has to be taken in control again.

I didn't get in the London Marathon yet again but have managed to get a team of 6 from the club to do a 65k walk across the downs in Surrey during May of next year all for CF. What have we let ourselves in for. I cannot read a map and there will be no signage, we have to find our own way all in 17 hrs! more training to come.
Mikey said do something different and i continue to try and do that. Its hard to accept sometimes that i would never have done anything if we hadn't lost him. I would have just meandered my way though living, quite happy with my lot, but just see what i would have missed, so Mikey thank you. What a task you set us.

I have managed to find the car i have wanted for a long time. Stuck to my guns and could not be persuaded to change my mind. A first in the car stakes, yet again Mikey you would have said about time too! Tim has been quite relentless in his tactics but i didn't waver! a wobbly moment or two but at last after many miles out looking and trawling the car websites tracked one down. Off i went last weekend all alone, deal done. Collect it next week. i will of course put a snap on here!!!
So this weekend Tim had stomach bug, i awake Sunday unable to see out of my left eye. I had been bitten in the night by a gnat several times. What joy i looked like nelson! The memory of those wretched insect bites a few weeks ago came sharply to mind to it was start on the antihistamines and hope for the best, a bit better today and horror of horrors once up on Sunday received a phone call to say my bank cards had been compromised and the fraud police were on the phone telling me how many attempts to remove funds from my account had taken place!! Lucky for me they didn't sanction them and as we were talking the card was being activated. I hope they catch the rotten people!

Today it was off on a course yet again travelling to Wokingham this time. Train to London, tube to Paddington, across to reading, then Wokingham and return in the rush hour. Eek what a journey i left home at 0530 and arrived home at 2100hrs a long day!

Going to an Awards ceremony at the Hilton in November! another cocktail dress.! fish out of water springs to mind. Then i have the marshaling event the same weekend, two more training days out!! not looking forward to that. Travelling oh my word.

So I'm off to bed tonight worn out! Age thing i guess. Still tomorrow is another day......................

Sunday 7 October 2012

Days 782-790

OK so its been a week!. The leg has been a tad stiff and sore when sitting so i have avoided my usual spot in front of this screen!!

Well I'm here now and i have had almost unusual week i guess. Only in as much that i have really chilled out. I have rested the leg, i have walked i have tried the exercise bile, um looks like Roger and i will become friends again this winter. i also plan to use the rowing machine i bought earlier this year and haven't been able to use because of the knee.

I have really been trying hard to get fit and i managed a short 1 mile walk on Tuesday. Friend picked me up and we went to the club. Then Thursday we managed 3 miles! felt good so i took the car out late one night to see how i managed. Yay did well and haven't looked back. It was and is still a little sore after driving, but I'm back at the hospital Wednesday and will see if they are pleased with the progress. Physio booked for the following week. It will be two weeks on Wednesday and only another 2 weeks before i can run.

We haven't managed to get out as much as we planned. I was due the annual leave and we thought we may get away for a few days, but as i had just started my new job i thought best just use the leave to recuperate! Next year we do want to get away for a few days. Maybe back to one of the lodges in Devon in the early Spring, best not plan anything though.

My new job is well just fab. The people are so nice! just wish i had moved ages ago, but we get stuck in this comfort rut and happily go with the flow. Still a challenge is good for the soul i believe.

The weather is changing and Autumn draws ever nearer. The fens are returning to that barren landscape. In  a few weeks it will be the black soil and nothing growing. Depressing. Its foggy tonight, my journeys to work will be a little more stressful and take that little bit longer to get to and fro, still a small price to pay.
The evenings are becoming cooler, not yet ready to put the heating on, but it will not be long i fear.

Cant understand this country! how is it that the local council has now embarked on the Christmas theme. Get the lights up now! its bad enough negotiating through the centre of town at the moment, the roads are up all over. Madness, the frosts will react to the new tarmac, sink and crack and we will have lousy roads again! complete waste of our tax payers money!! The street lights are being turned off early in the mornings, i know because I'm still awake! Yet here they are stringing up hundreds of coloured bulbs across the streets!

I have heard from some of the staff at my old place of work, just pleased i have moved on and not to interested now. Sad but there it is.

Mikey loved Christmas and i now find it so hard! i try and have asked Tom if he wants to put some decs up but he said no. Relief i think. Will it ever be a joyful time for us again, i rather think not.  Would be good to hibernate for a couple of weeks, or become every scrooge like! I have a photo somewhere of Mikey as the ghost of Christmas past, how apt!

Sisters want another day out, Lin rang today to see if i can make Friday, but i have just had the past week and a half off! sods law isn't it. Still hope to go shopping with them before Christmas.

Duke continues to grow and is a beast now, a lovable beast all the same, he gets through leads like a child with there shoes!

I suppose i best get to bed, still not sleeping well but i have become accustomed to that now. I do so miss Mikey, every day i think of him, every single day. At the strangest moments, Crying on the way to work, a tear coming home from shopping, it doesn't go away, the pain the anguish and the hope that its all a mistake. I'm not an unintelligent person, lord knows  i know but.................. I think we have learnt how to hide our true feelings, they become our own and not to be shared, that emotional wreck is just for private!
Misery has been avoiding me recently and for that i am grateful. I remember well that dreadful feeling of despair, its fading into the background somewhat now, is this healing, i don't know is it because we are so drained thee is not enough to quench misery's thirst, i think that's it!

Photos, good gracious i have forgotten to down load them. I will do it now and i will post on here tomorrow, i will return, because after all tomorrow is another day................................